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75 Day Hard Challenge: Everything You Need To Know

75 Day Hard Challenge: Everything You Need To Know

If you’ve searched for a new workout routine recently, you may have come across something called the 75 Hard Challenge.

On TikTok, the hashtags “75HardChallenge” and “75Hard” have ended up in front of a few eyes... over a billion to be exact.

So what does the challenge involve and is it something you should try?

Daily rules for 75 Hard Challenge


75 Hard Quick Start Guide

To get started, there are 5 basic rules. Follow them closely and if you miss one, start the challenge over. 

  1. Choose a diet and follow it
  2. Complete two 45-minute workouts daily
  3. Drink a gallon of water every day
  4. Read 10 pages of nonfiction
  5. Take progress pictures

And that's it! Pretty simple, right? 75 Hard isn't known as one of the more intense fitness challenges for nothing, though. Read on to learn even more about this two-and-a-half-month fitness endeavor.

A Detailed Look at the 75 Hard Challenge

75 Hard has earned plenty of backlash from experts stating that the whole thing is “problematic” to say the least. Regardless of the warning labels, hordes of people are still jumping on the bandwagon, posting before and after transformations, and sharing tips for taking on the challenge.

Some have even coined the terms “75 Medium” and “75 Soft,” which we believe are excellent substitutes for some individuals looking to build healthy habits.

What Is The 75 Hard Challenge?

Muscular back of young man

75 Hard was created by entrepreneur and influencer Andy Frisella.

The challenge is positioned as a program to build mental toughness and abides by the following rules for 75 days: 

  1. Follow a diet. Any diet. Frisella is not a personal trainer, dietitian, or clinical nutritionist, so he insists you consult a professional about whatever nutritional program you choose. But, he does stress that you can’t have a single cheat meal or drink any alcohol.
  2. Work out twice a day for 45 minutes. One of those workouts must be outside. 
  3. Drink a gallon of water daily. 
  4. Read 10 pages of nonfiction daily. Audiobooks don’t count, and the book must fall into the personal development category. 
  5. Take progress pictures daily.

If you don’t follow any of the five rules, you must start over from day one. 

Fitness challenges like 75 Hard can be exciting, offering structure and purpose for those who enjoy pushing themselves. However, it's not suitable for everyone, especially those new to fitness or making significant lifestyle changes, as the challenge may overwhelm rather than foster lasting habits.

Rule Breakdown

1. Follow A Diet 

Spread of healthy food

Most nutritional professionals are not fans of the term "diet," and 75 Hard leaves the diet component open to interpretation. While it's recommended to consult a physician, participants must still structure their own nutrition plan. Any fitness challenge with nutrition requirements should be approached carefully.

Licensed therapist Kati Morton suggests using intuitive eating strategies for 75 Hard, listening to your body and eating what you crave in moderation. Always ensure your nutrition information comes from credible sources, especially when exercising twice a day. Make sure you fuel your body with enough healthy foods to keep up with the demands of the challenge.   

2. Work Out Twice A Day

Two people outdoors, jump rope workouts with Crossrope

If you’re trying to build a habit of exercising consistently, throwing yourself into two 45-minute workouts a day is not the way to make that habit stick. Even for very active people before starting 75 Hard, two long workouts a day can still be challenging to manage. 

When you’re looking at a 75-day stretch, exercising that much is a good way to overdo it. The 75 Hard Challenge rules don’t mention anything about active recovery or any post-workout recovery. But it is helpful if you incorporate that into your 45 minute sessions.  

A good approach is to count active rest, such as yoga, stretching, walking, or steady-state jump rope as forms of exercise to add to your daily goal. By using this strategy, exercising twice a day may be doable for many people.


Remember, if you’re starting fresh with fitness, you don’t want to push yourself too hard from the get-go. You can end up really hurting yourself. 

Research shows that rest days are essential for recovery and performance. The American Council on Exercise recommends them.

3. Drink A Gallon Of Water

Close up of water being poured into a glass

While staying hydrated is important, 75 Hard’s rule of drinking a gallon of water daily overlooks individual needs. Barbie Boules, RDN, and founder of Barbie Boules Longevity Wellness says that “this is way too generalized and could be a dangerous amount for some people.”

A better approach is to drink half your body weight in ounces, adjusting for increased water loss during heavy workouts.

But remember, if you’re sweating a lot during your workouts, you will need to drink more water throughout the day.

4. Read 10 Pages of Nonfiction

Young woman reading

We find no genuine fault with this rule; in fact, we love it. Given that it’s a small amount of reading, it’s perfect for starting to build a habit

It’s worth noting that listening to audiobooks or podcasts is perfectly fine for achieving this daily goal. You’re still learning. 

5. Take Progress Photos

Transformation photos of Crossrope users

For some, progress photos can be very motivating. For others, they can be equally triggering. So we recommend using your judgment for this one. 

We think it’s also worth calling out this 75 Hard Challenge rule because it contradicts the claim that this challenge is about mental toughness and not physical appearance. If the challenge focused on mental improvement and wellness, physical changes to your body would be irrelevant.

Why a Jump Rope Is Perfect For The 75 Hard Challenge

If you’re ready to take on the challenge, here's why the jump rope is perfect to have around for several reasons. 

1. A Jump Rope Is Convenient 

Squeezing in two workouts a day is no easy feat, and if you’ve committed to 75 days, you need a convenient, enjoyable workout. 

One of the best parts of jump rope fitness is you only need a rope and some space. And the Crossrope App has over 2,500 premade workouts that are easy to follow. 

    Download the Crossrope App today  (Android and iOS)and give one a try. Try a 45 minute workout or combine a couple of shorter workouts to get you to the 45-minute mark. Need tutorials to get started? Crossrope's YouTube Channel has everything you may need to know.  

    2. It Gives You Choice

    75 days is a long time. You'll probably need a bit of variety to keep your spirits high. When you have different weighted jump ropes at your disposal, you now have the ability to target different muscle groups during each workout. Pick your favorite or mix and match, it's up to you!

    3. It Burns Calories, Efficiently

    Jumping rope is one of the most efficient cardio workouts. Ten minutes of jumping is equivalent to 30 minutes of running. Adding weighted ropes can increase calorie burn by an extra 20% - making the most of your workout time. 

    A comparison of calories burned via different workouts, jumping rope is number 1

    4. Portability Is Key

    You’ll need a workout option that fits your schedule. With a jump rope, you can work out at home, at the office, at the gym, at your kids’ sporting events, inside or outside, and everywhere in between. 

    If you have somewhere to be, a jump rope is easy to carry, which is more than we can see for a treadmill. Your Crossrope set easily fits in your backpack or suitcase and can be put away for easy storage. 

    5. Jumping Rope Is Fun

    Let's be real... 75 days or two workouts a day is a lot! It will be easy to face burnout. Unless you are enjoying your workout, you won't stick with it. Treadmills get boring. Walks get stale. Lifting weights require more rest. Crossrope workouts allow you switch things up so you don't get board. Focus on jump only workouts, add in dumbbells or kettlebells, or include bodyweight movements. 

    Keeping the workouts fun is crucial to completing the 75 Hard Challenge. 

    While everyone has a different outlook on what’s fun, we think the jump rope offers a fun workout for two main reasons:

      1. It gives you the freedom to take your workouts on the go and break free from the gym. No more staring at walls or screens.
      2. It gives you the ability to learn new skills. Jumping rope allows you to learn and progress with new skills like crisscrosses, double unders, and side swings. Each exercise is a new adventure and something you can add to your repertoire of skills.

    Are you ready for a jump rope that'll change your life? Check out Crossrope.

    75 Hard FAQs

    Is the 75 Hard Challenge Safe?

    One thing about 75 Hard is it fails to consider the specific lifestyles, fitness levels, and nuanced dispositions of many individuals. 

    Can it be done safely? Yes, absolutely. 

    Do you need to listen to your body, fuel yourself properly, and prioritize rest based on your individual needs? Also, yes. 

    Is Modifying The 75 Hard Challenge Cheating?

    According to Frisella, yes. By his rules, any modification is cheating. 

    Here’s what Frisella has to say:

    “If you modify the program just to say you completed it, did you really succeed? No. That’s the problem with your whole life… you constantly modify your plans & goals so you can say you completed them. By doing that, you never achieve what you’re actually capable of, and you’ll end up feeling worse about yourself because you know deep down you cheated.” 

    We think differently. Listen to your body. Do what’s right for you. Stay consistent, and you will see progress. If you manage to drink 80 ounces of water on some days, that’s still a win. On other days, if you manage to move your body for any amount of time—that’s also a win. 

    If you want to listen to an audiobook while you cook, that’s another win.

    There’s nothing wrong with using the 75 Hard Challenge as a set of loose principles for living well. If and when you need to modify, don’t be hard on yourself. 

    How Do I Get Started?

    Once you’ve given the 75 Hard rules some thought and you’ve decided to give it a go, you need a plan. Here are a few quick tips for getting started: 

      • Write down the 5 rules and keep them somewhere visible
      • Create a visual progress chart
      • Plan your meals and meal prep 
      • Choose workouts that are convenient and portable
      • Create a routine and stick to it
      • Join the Crossrope facebook community for tips, accountability, and some extra motivation

      What Should The Workouts Look Like? 

      It’s up to you! But if you ask us, you should choose workouts that are convenient and can be done anywhere. Crossrope is perfect to have around for doing the 75 Hard Challenge. You can jump indoors, outdoors, at the gym, and it fits easily in your bag if you’re on the go. 

      Plus, the Crossrope app is a great companion for the 75 Hard. With over 2,500 workouts to choose from, the Crossrope app will definitely keep your workout routine fresh. 


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