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5 Simple Ways to Convince Your Friends to Jump Rope With You

5 Simple Ways to Convince Your Friends to Jump Rope With You

Need help convincing your friends to jump rope with you?

I do enjoy training on my own – you’ll often find me in a corner of the gym or in a random park going all out with my jump rope sessions and my tunes.

But there are times when it’s just more fun to jump with others.

In my experience, people are often hesitant to jump with me because of a few reasons.

They either think that jumping rope is too old school and not very challenging, or they think they’re not coordinated enough to do it, or they’re not sure if it’s worth the effort, or they just have no clue how to get started.

In this post, I’ll break through all of those thoughts and give you the ammunition you need to get your friends and family jumping rope with you.

1 - Have Them Do A Performance Challenge

Does your friend think that jumping rope is just a game for kids?

A Performance Challenge will fix that - after just a few seconds.

You will need to let them borrow your 1 Lb Jump Rope. Set your stopwatch and have them perform 250 jumps as quickly as they can.

It’s going to be a tough challenge.

Give them a minute to catch their breath - wait until they stop huffing and puffing – and then ask them if they're convinced.

Expect a smile.

See here:

2 - Invite Them To A Partner Workout

Are they unsure of what workout they should try?

Well, you can always send them to our jump rope workout library or tell them about our free jump rope app.

But if you really want to convince them, just do a workout with them.

Here’s a “Partner Jump Rope Tabata” workout you can try.

Recall how a Tabata workout works – you alternate between 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 8 consecutive rounds (4 minutes).

With a partner Tabata workout, we have two exercises that you and your partner will switch between.

Exercise 1 – jump rope basic jumps with a 1 Lb rope

Exercise 2 – mountain climbers

Set your timer to Tabata mode and hit GO.

You start with the basic jumps while your partner does the mountain climbers. During the 10 second rest period, you switch. And you keep going back and forth until all eight rounds are done.

Complete a total of 3 Tabatas together, resting 90 seconds between each Tabata.

Trust me – they’ll be coming back for more after that one.

Check out another example below:

3 - Invite Your Friends To The Jump Rope Fitness Community

Do they need inspiration?

When you’re not inspired, it’s not easy to get out there and try new things.

If your friends are lacking inspiration, invite them to our Jump Rope Fitness Community. We’ve got so many amazing members with inspiring stories to share.

4 - Share Some Success Stories With Them

Are they skeptical that jumping rope will get them the results they want?

That’s an easy one. Just show them some of our amazing customer spotlights and they’ll see the possibilities for themselves.

For example, if weight loss is on their list of goals, send them Ricardo’s story – he lost over 100 lbs and has completely changed his life around. Or send them Tim’s story – he lost 51 lbs in 3 months after discovering Crossrope.

Or if they’re more interested in double unders, send them Brent’s story. He was struggling with double unders for years and connected 21 straight on his first attempt with Crossrope. Now, he's well over 100 unbroken doubles.

That should get their motivation up a couple of notches.

And finally…

5 - Help Them Get Started Quickly

Are they convinced about the benefits but unsure how to start?

No problem. We have some suggestions.

First, we have the complete beginner’s guide to jump rope training. This guide will walk your friends through everything they need to know to master the basics of jump rope training.

If they need a rope to get started with, you can send them to the Get Lean Set – it’s the best set for anyone looking for an intro to heavy jump rope training.

The Get Lean Set is the perfect introduction to weighted jump rope training.

And, again, send them to our community.

We always have fun challenges, bootcamps, and events happening that they'll enjoy (with you, of course).

Bonus: Send Them This Article

Want to get your friends and family jumping rope with you?

Send them this article.

And let the rest take care of itself =)

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