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Fitness Motivation: 12 Tips For How To Stay Motivated to Workout

Fitness Motivation: 12 Tips For How To Stay Motivated to Workout

Real talk—working out is hard. Especially finding the fitness motivation to get you started.

The hardest part is always getting started.

If only finding the motivation to work out was as easy as hitting snooze on your alarm clock. Sometimes, the best intentions, like laying out your gym clothes before bed or setting up your jump rope mat and jump ropes ahead of time, still aren’t enough to get you hyped. 

Without good sources of fitness motivation, it’s pretty easy to play workout hooky. So, if you’re looking for some tips on how to stay motivated to work out, you’ve come to the right place. 

Here are 12 fresh fitness motivation ideas to help you get off the couch and jump into action.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout

Before we kick off our list, a great place to find fitness motivation is in the Crossrope Jump Rope Fitness Community. Join the community and connect with over 90K jumpers and fitness enthusiasts from across the globe. It’s a great place to turn to when you need that extra spark of motivation. 

Alright, let’s start firing off some fitness motivation tips! 

1. Start Small 

If you feel like you just can’t muster the energy to tackle a long workout, tell yourself you’re only going to do something small.  

For example, coax yourself to only get through 10 jumps with your jump rope, and that’s all. This tactic can even be as simple as you’re only working on a few stretching movements and seeing how you feel by the end.  

Chances are that once you start, you’ll feel like you can accomplish a lot more than what you set out to do. 

2. Create a Buddy System 

Do you know about the impressive benefits of working out with a partner

Well, fitness motivation is one of those benefits. 

A partner can push you through one more set, encourage you to try a heavier weight, and boost 

your confidence when you feel like quitting. 

Finding a workout buddy also adds an element of accountability into the mix. When you work out with a partner, the likelihood of committing to your fitness routine increases because you don’t want to let your friend down. 

3. Delay Your Treats 

What’s something you genuinely enjoy doing in your free time? 

Are you really invested in a TV show right now? Deep into an action-packed book? Or have a video game you’re just itching to play? 

Here’s how to stay motivated to workout – tell yourself you can only focus on these things after you’ve finished exercising. 

Once you’ve checked your workout off your list, you’re free to jump back into your favorite hobby.

4. Pretend You’re A Fitness Influencer 

Here’s a fun fitness motivation tip: pretend you’re inspiring thousands of followers. 

Tap into your imagination and picture yourself jumping for Crossrope or representing your favorite athletic apparel brand. 

Fitness influencers are always extra enthusiastic about working out so they must be doing something right.

5. Create Fun Challenges 

Self-imposed challenges are a great way to motivate yourself to work out. 

Keep it simple and challenge yourself to do something every day for a certain amount of time. For example, you could commit to jumping rope every day for 30 days, even if it’s just 10 minutes.

(P.S. we’ve seen some inspiring fitness results from jumpers during their first 30 days with Crossrope.)  

Don’t know how to create your own challenges? Sign up for our monthly jump rope workout challenge.  

When you commit to something, you’re more likely to follow through with your workouts, which is a motivation win in our books. 

6. Spend Some Money

If you’re a serial offender for ditching workouts, try signing up for a non-refundable workout class or get a premium subscription to a workout app. You could also look into hiring a personal trainer for that extra accountability. 

When there’s money on the line you’re going to think twice about skipping your training session.

There’s no sense in throwing your hard-earned dollars away because you’re feeling flaky. 

7. Prep Some Self Talk 

Positive self-talk definitely impacts fitness performance and can also help you get moving in the first place. 

Write down fitness affirmations and keep them in a place where you see them frequently. This tactic is an excellent source of workout motivation. 

Here are a few to get you started: 

  1. I’m excited to work out today. 
  2. I’m going to give 100% to my workout.
  3. I’m confident about achieving my fitness goals. 
  4. Every day I’m becoming stronger and fitter.
  5. Hard work pays off, and I am fully committed. 

There you go, pop a couple of positive post-its on the mirror and watch your motivation grow. 

8. Create Fitness Associations

Creating fitness associations is a powerful strategy for building healthy habits, as well as maintaining fitness motivation. 

To make this work for you, start connecting routine activities with movement. 

When you make coffee, you also do 10 squats. When you watch a certain show, you jump rope. When you take out the trash, you go for a walk around the block. 

Eventually, physical activity will be second nature with your daily activities and you won’t need to build up momentum to get them done. 

9. Listen to Motivational Podcasts 

Struggling to give yourself a good pep talk? That’s ok, there are people who will do it for you. 

If you need an inspirational pick-me-up, try a motivational podcast. Plus, the more you learn about fitness, the more you’ll feel like making it a priority. 

If you need a quick pick-me-up, read some motivational fitness quotes. 

10. Pop On Social Media

Are you the type of person who finds fitness inspiration from other people’s successes? You can try going for a scroll on Instagram or pick a few fitness hashtags to follow (we’re particularly fond of #wejump). 

You can find tons of workouts, inspirational stories, and content to keep you going on social media. Just remember not to compare your journey with anyone else’s! 

11. Plan Periodic Rewards 

Planning to give yourself periodic rewards is a great way to maintain workout motivation. 

An awesome example is if you stay consistent for a certain amount of time you’ll buy yourself a new set of weighted jump ropes or new workout clothes. 

It’s always a good idea to treat yourself!

12. Make Exercise You Time

Start thinking about exercise as your mental vacation. 

It’s the perfect time to breathe and step away from all the troubles of your day. By changing how you think about fitness you’ll start to look forward to the escape and that becomes motivation in itself. 

Feeling Inspired?

Fitness motivation typically comes in short bursts, so it’s a good idea to have some foolproof inspiration tactics in your arsenal to keep you going. 

Do you have any unique workout motivation go-to’s? We’d love to give them a try! 

Drop them in the comments below and go have a great workout!

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