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Frank's Jump Rope Story: Conquering the Heavy Ropes

Frank's Jump Rope Story: Conquering the Heavy Ropes

“They say laughter adds years to your life, I think I might live forever.”

Frank Harper Jr was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. He grew up an only child, with a great love for sports, video games, fast cars and of course – working out. With a smile on his face, Frank always finds humor in anything he comes across,

“Growing up I was always heavy. I was very athletic for my size, but poor eating habits was something I had for most of my life. My senior year in high school, I weighed 330 pounds, and I knew I needed to make a change, but I didn't know how.”

It wasn't until his freshman year in college, when Frank decided to take a health class. He changed his nutrition and exercise habits, and this combination would change his life forever.

“I was able to lose about 140 pounds. I used my parents’ treadmill, I would run up and down the steps, used dumbbells, did push ups and shadow boxing. My decision to live a healthy life in my 20’s was the best decision of my life.”

Frank's Jump Rope Story

Frank was tired of a repetitive cardio routine with minimal results. He actually began to gain weight, despite doing everything ‘right’, and knew it was time for a change.

“What inspired me to start jumping was watching fitness videos on YouTube. I came across a UFC fighter using a jump rope, and he mentioned that jumping rope burned more calories than using a treadmill. So I decided to give it a go.”

He wanted to get back in shape, build muscle, and ultimately get stronger. His goal was to lose the weight gained from a struggle with depression, and his determination and fascination with jump rope led him to Crossrope.

“I came across a Crossrope video and after seeing it, I immediately went to the website to find out how to purchase a rope. I just had to have it.”

After receiving the 1/4 LB rope as a Christmas gift, Frank then purchased the 1/2 LB rope, which eventually led him to the 1 LB rope as well. He found his skills improving and his muscles building after a very short time of his new-found jump rope routine.

Crossrope Get Fit Jump Rope bundle for Total fitness

“It's a staple of my workout. When I'm lifting weights, I jump rope in between sets. I also have days where I’ll work on my skills for at least an hour. There is not a day that goes by that I'm not jumping! I always incorporate it into my daily routine.”

Frank says his go-to ropes are the 1 LB and 2 LB heavy ropes. He uses them more than the lighter ropes, loving the amazing feeling of being able to conquer tricks with them. This is also why his favourite workout in the Crossrope app is the Get Strong challenge. He’s always excited to grab his heavy ropes for his daily jump routine at the gym, using the mirrors there to help him work on his freestyle and overall form. How does he do it?

“I make sure I'm at the gym at least 2 hours before I go to work during the week. I always make time, because working out is part of my lifestyle. Being the best version of myself is what keeps me motivated, that fire burns inside me. I'm always challenging myself to be better than I was yesterday.”

We also wanted to know what fuels Frank’s jump rope workouts right now:

“Right now I'm working on jumping backwards. My go-to skill is double unders (and double under crosses). I love double unders! I also have have quite a few songs for my jump rope workouts.”

Curious? Frank’s music selections for a jump rope workout are:

  • Need Your Heart (feat. Kai) – Adventure Club
  • Treat Me Right – Keys N Krates
  • Psycho – 50 Cent & Eminem
  • My House – Flo Rida
  • Thunderstruck – AC/DC
  • The Life – Fifth Harmony
  • Can You Feel It – The Jacksons

Final Thoughts

We asked Frank if he had advice for others embarking on their own jump rope journey.

“My advice would be no matter what, don't give up. When I first started, I was so frustrated. I stopped for about 2 days. I told myself ‘just stick with it, don't give up’. If you need to take a break, take a few days off, but no matter what don't give up. I’m so glad I didn't! I picked the rope back up and never looked back – the rest is history.”

Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation every day to challenge ourselves to keep improving. Frank reminds us that the fire is always within us. Thank you for sharing your jump rope transformation story Frank!

Do you have any questions for Frank? Leave them in the comments below!

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