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Crossrope Customer Spotlight: Rima's Living Her Best Life with Holistic Fitness

Crossrope Customer Spotlight: Rima's Jump Rope Transformation

We love hearing from Crossrope’s jump rope fitness community. The jump rope transformation stories they share never cease to amaze and inspire. 

This is why we'd love to introduce you to Rima.

Now, saying our jaws dropped when Rima’s story came our way is such an understatement. We still can’t get over how amazing this transformation story is, and it goes so far beyond weight loss. It’s so wonderful to get to know the people who have found success with our ropes and how the Crossrope jump rope system has helped them decide to show up for themselves every single day. 

Rima is one of those people, and this is her story. 

Let’s get inspired! 

Rima’s Jump Rope Journey

Growing up, Rima was extremely active and athletic. She dreamed of becoming a personal trainer one day (or bodybuilder, as she called it because she hadn’t yet been introduced to the term “personal trainer”). 

“As a kid, I would even spend my free time making up workouts for fictitious clients,” she explains. “I enjoyed all kinds of exercise, but I especially loved martial arts, resistance training, and jumping rope. I would incorporate these exercises into workout plans for my ‘clients.’” 

As Rima grew older, life happened, and she ended up on a completely different trajectory career-wise (and unfortunately health-wise) than what she imagined. 

Rima earned her MBA and became a finance professional, often sitting long hours at a desk. She worked hard to maintain a consistent workout routine, which often included her beloved jump rope. Still, she found herself choosing activities and habits that went against her fitness and wellness goals. 

“I didn’t see any immediate adverse effects on my health or weight, so I paid no attention to what this was really doing to me.” 

Soon, when Rima and her husband found out they were pregnant, she also found out that she had gestational diabetes at age 29.

“I was placed on insulin injections to keep my diabetes under control, and I ended up gaining over 60 pounds on my 5’2” frame,” Rima says. “I was assured that after delivering my baby, the diabetes would resolve.” 

Unfortunately, that was not the case. The gestational diabetes turned into type 2 diabetes, and Rima’s weight continued to rise. 

“The arch on my left foot collapsed 25 percent from the extra weight, and even walking was painful,” says Rima. “So the idea of ever jumping rope again seemed impossible to me.” 

Over the next 7 to 8 years, Rima would jump on fads and trends in the health and wellness industry — everything from microwave meals to weight loss shakes to magic exercise machines, all promising quick and easy results. She would lose weight temporarily, but it would boomerang back up again. 

“It was literally a roller coaster of ups and downs physically, mentally and spiritually.” 

Making the Change

“I woke up one day and realized that the RUT I was stuck in was just my COMFORT ZONE. So I decided to SMASH through it.”

“I was sick and tired of being sick and tired,” she says. “I didn’t want to feel so holistically drained. I longed to feel holistically vibrant.” 

And so, Rima committed herself to the beginning of her journey towards holistic fitness. She bought a cheap jump rope with the hopes of using it again one day and started her journey by cleaning up her diet and walking.

“I set no expectations about what I should or shouldn’t look like or what I should or shouldn’t weigh. When my mindset shifted from one day to DAY ONE, I won.

weight loss before and after using Crossrope

Rima decided to do her best every day and focused on knowing she deserved no less. 

Soon, walking progressed to jogging, the weight started to come off, and Rima’s energy and mood improved. 

“From jogging, I ecstatically progressed to adding in jump rope training again; just basic, slow jumping,” explains Rima. “But even this was so cathartic for me.” 

Riding the success wave, Rima started to incorporate more resistance training alongside HIIT workouts, and her jump rope form improved.

weight loss transformation using Crossrope

Finding the Perfect Jump Rope 

The “downside” of Rima’s active lifestyle was that her jump ropes could no longer keep up with her! 

Rima found that these ropes would split or break off at the handle when she jumped. “I’ve actually injured myself several times as a result,” she says. She was tired of buying rope after rope just to have it break down shortly after. Not only did these ropes lack quality, they were not easy to use, either.

“It was also tedious to fit the jump rope to my height,” explains Rima. “The majority of these ropes were far from user-friendly. I gave up on jumping for a while out of frustration, but then I came across Crossrope while doing an internet search for quality jump ropes.” 

With a little research, Rima learned how easy it was to order the right size rope for her height and how convenient it was to easily change the handles between ropes with Crossrope.

“I was excited that there were options for weighted ropes as well as speed ropes. So I ordered the full set of 4 ropes (¼ LB, ½ LB, 1 LB, and 2 LB ropes) as well as a speed rope.” 

Get Fit Jump Rope Bundle for Total Fitness

Start your jump rope transformation with the same set of ropes as Rima with the Get Fit Jump Rope bundle

“I also purchased the Crossrope app and started jumping. I haven’t looked back since.” 

Rima doesn’t shy away from speaking highly of Crossrope: 

“The rope turns so smoothly without tangling up, the way the handles attach keeps my wrists steady, and as scary as the 2 LB rope looks, it’s become my favorite. I absolutely love it and so do my muscles! 

The app is wonderful because there are so many different types of workouts and levels to choose from. There’s so much variety in the length of workouts as well. The jump counter function in the app is genius and pretty accurate. I no longer have to mentally keep track of how many jumps I’ve done. I can fully focus on my jumping form. 

These are by far the best ropes I have ever used and they’ve played a big role in helping build muscle and tone. As I’ve become fitter, my confidence has returned and I’m happy to say, I finally realized my dream of becoming not just a certified personal trainer, but a plant-based holistic fitness coach as well! 

I enthusiastically recommend Crossrope to my clients and anyone else who enjoys exercise or is on a fitness and wellness journey. Jumping rope is truly a holistic exercise — it uplifts the body, mind, and spirit. Sure, you could use any jump rope; but the Crossrope jump ropes have taken it to a whole new level. They truly allow me to jump for joy.” 

The journey towards holistic fitness is not easy. But take it from Rima - “When you find your WHY you will find your WAY.”

Before You Go

Do you need a support system or some jump rope motivation? 

We’ve got one of the fastest-growing fitness jump rope communities online. Join the community and meet almost 100,000 jumpers of all fitness levels from all over the world. 

 You can also learn more about Rima, here or you can find her on Instagram @victoryholisticfitness

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