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How Long Should a Jump Rope Be? Why It Doesn’t Really Matter

Man holding jump ropes

How many of you out there are golf fans? We at Crossrope marvel at the mastery in all parts of the game.

It recently got us thinking of an interesting parallel to the jump rope.

In a golfer's bag, you could find a whole set of clubs: a driver, woods, irons, and a putter.

All of the clubs are different sizes, and yet the golfer knows exactly how to swing and manipulate each one to strike the golf ball at precise distances and directions.

Even though every club is a different size, their knowledge of how to position his body allows them to be effective with each club.

We like to apply a similar concept to the age-old question, how long should a jump rope be?

The truth is there is no perfect one jump rope size for an individual. What matters is the way you use the rope.

When it comes to proper jump rope sizing, you must have an understanding of how to position your body as the rope length varies, just as golfers position their body differently when using clubs of different lengths.

So what does this mean for you when it comes to jumping? Watch the video below for an explanation and demonstration of how to jump rope depending on how long your rope is.

In case you missed anything in the video, we summed up all the key factors for you below.

For Shorter Jump Ropes

A shorter rope can be faster and more efficient, but there’s little room for error or technique deficiencies.

Make sure that you hands are positioned in tight to your body and level with the top of your hipbone. Minimize arm movement and rotate with your wrists. Keep in mind that there will be little clearance above your head and below your feet.

For Medium-Sized Jump Ropes

A mid-size jump rope offers versatility for a wide variety of skills and isn’t just a single size for users.

Small adjustments in hand and arm position allow you to get a great workout and the added length also provides beginners with more room for error.

For Longer Jump Ropes

A longer rope may not be ideal if it’s striking the ground too far in front of you, but there are ways for jumpers to adjust and still get a good workout.

Watch a clip of Floyd Mayweather jumping rope and you'll see what we mean.

So how do you make use of all of this information?

Too often, people get too caught up in choosing the perfect jump rope size.

Understand that there really is no such thing.

You can make almost any size work.

With that being said, we still do our best to guide you to your ideal length. We offer a wide range of jump rope lengths to suit your style (see our range of sizes below).

Crossrope jump rope size guide

Keep in mind that in your jump rope training, don’t be overly concerned about a precise length. Instead, learn how to adjust your body and refine your skills.

Tip: are you constantly tripping up over your rope? It might not be a size issue. Maybe you're making one of these 4 rookie jump rope mistakes (that we see all the time).

Also, don't be afraid to experiment with different sizes.

If your skill has improved at your current length, try a shorter rope and see if you like the feel. If you aren’t able to perform all the skills you’d like with your rope length, try a longer rope. A lot of our jumpers often use more than one rope length in my their workouts.

Jumping rope

Whether it’s your first Crossrope set or you want to try out a new size and see what you think, we want you to be happy with the size you order. This is why we have a size exchange guarantee in place for all of our jump ropes.

So here's what we encourage you to do...

Next time you're using your Crossrope (or any jump rope), take note of the length and pay attention to how your experience changes as you move your hands to different positions.

We hope you enjoyed this quick post about jump rope sizing, and it answers ‘how long should a jump rope be?' Let us know what you think of the video and feel free to post any questions or comments below.

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