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Speed Double Under Pyramid Jump Rope Workout [Dave’s Secret Sauce]

Man jumping rope

Today's workout comes straight from my very own playbook. I use this jump rope workout almost every time I'm in the gym (or my garage) with my ropes.

It's not easy. But it is a fun, quick, and really powerful way of getting your heart rate up.

If you're looking to put your double under skills to use...

...or if you just want to add a new level of intensity to your training routine, then I think you're going to enjoy today's speed double under pyramid workout.

Check out the full details (and video) below.

What You're Going to Need

Here's what you're going to need for this workout:

> Crossrope Get Fit Bundle 

> A timer - you can use your phone for this one

> Some space to jump - I'll be jumping in my garage today

The Crossrope Get Fit Bundle comes with 4 weighted ropes (1/4 LB, 1/2 LB, 1 LB, and 2 LB).

Note - the Get Fit Bundle is not mandatory for this workout. You can do this workout with any jump rope. Just use the same rope for all rounds.

But if you do have a range of weighted ropes to work with, put those babies to use!

Speed Double Under Pyramid Workout

Our feature workout this week is the speed double under pyramid workout - a jump rope workout I use very often to get my heart rate up.

This workout is broken up into seven one-minute rounds as shown below:

Round 1

- 20 seconds of max double unders with 1/4 LB Rope - Rest remainder of minute

Round 2

- 15 seconds of max double unders with 1/2 LB Rope - Rest remainder of minute

Round 3

- 10 seconds of max double unders with 1 LB Rope - Rest remainder of minute

Round 4

- 15 seconds of max double unders with 1/2 LB Rope - Rest remainder of minute

Round 5

- 20 seconds of max double unders with 1/4 LB Rope - Rest remainder of minute

Check out the video below to see this workout in action:

Here are some important tips to keep in mind for this workout:

> If you want to improve your double under technique, check out our complete guide to learning how to do double unders like a pro.

> You really want to push hard during the work sessions of each round. The faster you get through the prescribed number of repetitions, the longer you get to rest.

> You can also do this workout with other jump rope exercises - like basic jumps, sprints, jump rope jacks, etc - you just have to maintain the same workout structure.

How did it go for you?

I'd love to hear how the workout goes for you.

Leave your results or experiences in the comments below. And if you really like it, give it some likes and shares as well. Good luck!

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