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Jump Higher with Live Leaderboards!

Jump Higher with Live Leaderboards!

Now as you're in Free Jump in the Crossrope App, you can see how you're climbing the leaderboard in real-time!

As you jump, you can see:

  • Your current rank
  • Who’s ahead of you, and how many jumps until you pass them
  • How many ranks you’ve climbed and jumpers you’ve passed
  • Notifications as you pass each jumper

Free Jump leaderboard component showing user in #122 going up 9 ranks

Just imagine the new milestones you can now set, you could…

  • Climb to the top 100
  • Pass Crossrope Trainers “JRBeastJennika” and “Chad Gonzales”
  • Move up 50 ranks
  • Jump to first place among your friends

Not into competition? No worries! Use the leaderboard as a fun tool to stay motivated with quick and achievable targets.

After your free jump session, see your current rank and how many jumpers you’ve passed.

You moved up 176 spots after your free jump session

Jumpers in Action

See how jumpers in our Facebook Community are enjoying the Live Leaderboard

Community member enjoying the Free Jump leaderboard

Community member enjoying Free Jump leaderboard

Live Leaderboard Setup

On the Free Jump Setup screen, set the Leaderboard to either Today or This Month, and you can use the Global Leaderboard or just compare yourself to specific users you’re following.

Whether you're in it to win it or just for fun, our leaderboard connects you to a wider community of jumpers. Feel the camaraderie, share experiences, and enjoy the sense of belonging.

Option on Free Jump Setup screen to show leaderboard

Get Started With AMP

To unlock the Leaderboard in Free Jump, get AMP! Not only will you have your jumps automatically counted, you’ll have personalized jump targets in any of our 2000+ workouts with TargetTrainer to push you harder and make your workouts more engaging.

AMP handles image

Please try the Leaderboard in Free Jump today, and let us know what you think at [email protected]! We love feedback and hearing about your experience!

Free Jump Tips

  • Free Jump is better with music! Listen to your favorite hits on Spotify/Apple Music, and feel free to check out the Crossrope Playlists on Spotify for some of our favorites. Use headphones or a Bluetooth speaker to hear the best.
  • If you’re having trouble seeing the screen, either try a phone stand to put the phone close to eye level, or use Screen Mirroring/Airplay to mirror the phone’s display to a TV.
  • Don’t forget, jumps within workouts still count on the Leaderboard, so try doing a Free Jump after your workout as a finisher

Leaderboard in Free Jump is currently available on iOS and should be available soon on Android.

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